Friday, October 5, 2012

Five Things Friday--Twittering Away

Happy Friday all!

It has been an exciting week to say the least.  First, C and I gave up watching TV during the week.  It's amazing how much more time we've had (although I still haven't been able to blog...where does the time go?) and how much cleaner our house is. Second, I finally decided to sign up for a Twitter account and I have discovered what everyone was raving about!  It is so nice to get so much "news" at a glance (especially since I'm following so many different things).

So here are five areas where I found twitter to be helpful and an example of who I am following.

1) I wanted to stay on top of different opportunities within my profession (just a side note that I currently love my job but it doesn't hurt to be prepared to know when life may change).  I am admin in my "real" life and I am constantly trying to better myself--learning more technologies, better ways to manage time, how to be a leader, etc. A few people I am following are @JuliePerrine, founder of All Things Admin and @IAAP, the professional organization I belong to.

2) I work in the health care industry so I wanted to stay on top of some breaking technologies and how that is affecting my field.  I am following @DailyNewsGW, the tweets for Genome Web Daily, an update on different genomic and other life science news. So far this has not been specifically helpful but it may be because I don't always understand all the terminology.

3) I want to stay on top of art, especially digital art so I am following @deviantART and a few others.  Obviously, this is not the end all be all list but it is helpful when I don't have a lot of time.

4) Since I am trying to start a nonprofit, I found a few people to follow who can provide lots of insights such as @nonprofitorgs

5) And lastly, remember I said that I love my kindle, there are TONS of tweets about free kindle books like @TheeReaderCafe. 

That is the end of this adventure into birdland but I would appreciate any tips for this twittering newbie.

How do you decide who to follow?  What are you tips?  How many people is too many?

Until next time...

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