Saturday, September 22, 2012

Five Things Friday-Fav Blog Edition

This week has been a little crazy which is why my post is a little delinquent.  C and I cleaned our house, mostly our one closet, for upwards of 10 hours (T-E-N people!).  It looks amazing and we can actually walk into our closet-no small feat let me tell you. Have you ever read the book "Throw Out 50 Things"? Me neither but I like the idea.  I can tell you for certain that I threw out at least 50 things.  We have 4 bags + 1 overflowing box of Goodwill donations in addition to about 4 bags of trash.  Can you believe that?  I felt like we were the most excessive people in the world today.  It's so freeing to get rid of things (Let's just forget that we made that Target run to get more items to put in our closets). What remains to be seen is if we can keep it as neat as it is today.  I feel like most things have a home-the first rule of organizing-so the odds are in our favor!

Anyway, so for this week's edition of "Five Things Friday," I thought I would share some blogs that I follow regularly to stay up on art but also other things that I like.

1)  Arts Journal Daily Art News-- a good overview of major things happening in all areas of art (visual, music, theater, etc) pulled from many other sources. 

2) Digital Art News - a new find but there seems to be a lot of interesting news bits that will keep me updated on the world of art!

3) Skinny Taste - yummy recipes that are easy to follow with nice photographs so you know what things will look like! I use her recipes almost exclusively.  Everything is tasty although somethings can be a little too much work.

4) Pennychic - Cute styles on a budget.  Good ideas for working in a professional office which is always helpful. I want to look professional but my own age and this has some very cost effective ideas. Some would not be appropriate for where I work but it's easy enough to glance through.

5) Ruminate Magazine Blog - I don't actually subscribe to the print magazine (this is a recent find for me) but I really enjoy the blog articles about different writers and different aspects of art. It has a Christian perspective but it's also very real about what art should be (not just fluffy stuff people).

Thanks for reading. The end.

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