Tuesday, October 23, 2012


A gloomy and hazy Tuesday to you!

The weather has not been so fine here the last few days but that is ok by me.  I am still recovering from my 3 1/2 day stint in the hospital for an infection (lesson learned: pain=warning from your body).

Anyway, unfortunately, because I am still recovering I haven't had a lot of time to devote to finding new great artworks or anything like that.  However, I am still pondering the whole idea of what makes art great and I have a few more thoughtful quotes to share by the some person (tweets by Image Journal during a seminar given by Andy Crouch).

An ecosystem is a living system that channels energy in order to create abundance - Andy Crouch
Perhaps this doesn't seem like it directly relates to art but I would argue that it does. Art has to do with energy and abundance.

a piano teacher told me I couldn't play Beethoven b/c I hadn't suffered enough. Said to try again at age 40. - Andy Crouch   And it also is connected to suffering of some kind.  This may be where the melancholic artist comes in?

I think part of the reason I'm struggling so much with this blog is I'm not being myself. I think art is good and beautiful but can also show the struggle of creation and pain and longing (there is some beauty in that too I guess).  Art is not perfect and what I want for art is not perfect. 

Since I am still struggling with so much of my vision, I think I am going to go back to doing short reviews of artworks.  It will expose more artwork and help me grow as a writer as well as define more clearly where I see this going.
Until next time (which will have an artwork)...

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