Monday, September 10, 2012

I hate Mondays...(and sticking to things)

I don't really hate Mondays but today was one of those days where your dreams come crashing down around you (ok, not quite but it did not help that Excel and Access were not cooperating)

I have been working very hard on a project--figuring out the initial idea on starting up a non-profit organization in the arts. Today I felt like all my hard work was for naught and why did I think I had anything to offer to the art world anyway?

So, we will start again tomorrow. Not only with my idea for a non-profit but with other goals that I constantly fail at (see below).
*spiritual reading for 30 min and 30 min of art/career reading
*work out 20 min each day
*tidy for 10 min

I realize that some of these goals probably come very easy to most people but I am a perpetually flaky person. I may make a million goals but I barely ever stick to them. As someone who is a big perfectionist, this is not an easy thing to admit and it's something I don't especially love about myself.
Part of the reason to have this blog is 1) an opportunity to practice writing and 2) a place to have some kind of accountability. It's one thing for me to make a list and never do it. It's another to post it somewhere (not that anyone will read this) and never do it. It's a little more public of a letdown.

So, here we are. I obviously didn't keep my New Year's Resolution (surprise, surprise!) but it's just another chance to start over.

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