Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Things Friday-Learn about Me!

When I was inspired by my friend A to start blogging again, I came up with a great and easy way to blog more than once a century.  I'm calling it (drumroll, please....!)....."Five Things Friday".  It's an easy way for me to blog about something on my mind, about cool art, something I've read, etc.

So, today's edition of "Five Things Friday" is a way for me to introduce myself and tell you something about me.  Previously, this didn't seem important when I was only critiquing art but now it seems more important so you will be reading blogs about me and my life.

Let's begin!!!

1) I have been married to my husband (I am going to call him C in my blog) for a little over a year. This August, we celebrated 3 years of knowing each other.  It's hard to imagine our lives before we met :)

2) I am a ravenous bibliophile (book lover)! I love going to the library or bookstore and wandering for hours. I generally pick up a wide variety of books that I plan on reading but usually read about 1/10 of them (are you noticing a theme here?). My newest love is my Kindle. Do not fear, book lovers, I still love real books but it is so handy to be able to read everywhere or even in the dark!

3) I love to multitask but I also think this makes me a little ADD. At work, I usually have about 5 windows open and in the middle of an email I will think of something else that I should be doing. I am getting better at not multitasking.

4) C and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I genuinely enjoy living in the suburbs even though I never have before. I lived in Chicago for 1 year and the parking situation in the winter was enough to make me want to move (plus, I was getting married!)

5) My dream (and I want C to help too) is to have a digital art gallery which host (surprise!) 2D and 3D art. I am working towards this project although it seems too big for me. Thankfully, it seems like a lot of doors are opening so we will see what the future holds.

This concludes this edition of "Five Things Friday". I hope you enjoyed it (or at least weren't bored to death).  Have a great weekend!

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